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SEO Spam Tactics to Avoid (Blog Comment Spamming)

One of the more popular spamming methods which many web marketers know, yet still love doing, is called Blog Comment Spamming. Have you ever browsed blog sites and visited the comment sections of each of their post?

You should, because that’s where all the action is when it comes to blog comment spamming. Every post that a blogger or web author makes, there’s a corresponding comment section that is provided where other users can voice out their suggestions about the topic, or make recommendations for a better article later on.

Comment sections, if used properly, can help improve blog interactions and discussions about the said topic. However, an ideal situation online can never be easily achieved. There are always those people who understand the vulnerabilities of blogging platforms and take advantage of using them to promote their website(s) or spam their products.

Tracking Spam Attacks on different blogs may be quite hard for a person who doesn’t have the tools or know the necessary means to detect them. There are a number of ways to monitor blog comment spamming, as well as a number of tools to use against them. Here are some things which you would want to read about the topic.

There are several automated tools which can help bloggers and webmasters track blog comment spamming. Akismet, which is a feature/plugin embedded on the WordPress Blogging Platform, is one of such tools. But for manual methods, there are plenty of ways also to track blog comment spamming.

Take WordPress blogs for example, then select one on a particular topic, like SEO. Now make sure to pick the one which receives a large amount of traffic on the internet over a given period. Take a look at the number of comments the blog accumulates per day, and then put your mouse on each of the names of those who posted the comments.

You will see the links to their website’s right? Now take a step further, and copy the highlights of what that person or bot posted on the blog comment area. For example, the spammer used this comment, ‘Viagra, use it daily or else’. Copy it, including the name of the person and the link he or she used to as anchor link text for his or her name on the blog.

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Now do a search online. Make sure to include the name + comment + URL of the website used by the spammer. If there are thousands of similar blogs which come up from your search results, chances are, that the person posting that message, is a spammer.

Although the manual method may be more time consuming, it’s good to use it to properly detect which websites have been hit, and you can well know how to can counteract this type of spamming later on. For more automated methods, you may again use Akismet. Akismet both tracks and filters blog comment spam by collaborating with a spam database, which captures comment spasm and tells other websites about them so they can be filtered.

Many web marketers may know that comment spamming on blogs is not only ruining the reputation of the blog, but may potentially also get them banned from ever sending out comments to the same blog platform later on.

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